Incorrect Statements Regarding “Scope of Practice”

EPASSA would like to distance itself from several incorrect statements being made regarding the “scope of practice” for educational psychologists. One of these incorrect statements is that a 2019 revision of Form 224 constitutes a scope of practice for our profession. EPASSA rejects this assertion.
In 2002, many educational psychologists were shocked when the HPCSA’s Professional Board for Psychology (PBP), in the form of Form 224, effectively suggested that educational psychologists could not work with adults. Form 224 was widely criticised by educational psychologists, who were suddenly and arbitrarily confined to working with children and adolescents clients only. Form 224 was rejected at a Consensus conference of educational psychologists and was replaced by the 2011 regulations that were commonly referred to as the “scope of practice” regulations.
The High Court struck down the 2011 regulations after the Minister of Health conceded that they were invalid. If the 2011 regulations have no validity, Form 224 has even less.
Form 224 was never a regulation and is not a valid scope of practice. EPASSA would consider any attempt to uphold Form 224 as a scope of practice as undermining of our profession and as being mischievous.