Psychology Board Exam Training with JPCCC and EPASSA

This three-day workshop will cover the acts and legislation related to practicing as a psychologist in South Africa. The workshop is relevant for all categories of intern psychologists preparing for the board exam. Registration available via

Programme and Speakers

Thursday 17 September R300 (Daily Rate)

09:00 – 11:00 Presenter: Brandon Swanepoel

Annexure 12 – Professional Ethics

12:00 – 14:30 Presenter: Chris Uitzinger

Bill of Rights, Child Justice Act, Sexual Offences Act Children’s Act.

Friday 18 September R380 (Daily Rate)

09:00 – 12:00 Presenter: Dr Lizette Matthews

Ethical contracting and intake interviews

13:00 –16:00 Presenter: Dr Tiaan Kirsten

Ethics and legalities of consent when working with children & legal principles of the Children’s Act

Saturday 19 September R270 (Daily Rate)

09:00 – 13:00 Presenter: Dr Doret Kirsten

DSM-5 diagnoses and case conceptualization